January Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back, and a very Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday. It has been wonderful to see the children return with such enthusiasm, ready for the term ahead. We were even treated to a touch of snow as we returned, albeit briefly, which added a little extra magic to the start of the year.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended Parents’ Evening this week. These meetings are such an important opportunity to strengthen the partnership between home and school, ensuring we work together to support your child’s learning and well-being.
We are delighted to share that our Student Wellbeing Ambassadors are making a real difference within our school community. They are leading engaging activities during Wednesday break and lunchtimes, helping to promote positive relationships and inclusivity. In addition, they are providing valuable peer mentoring to several younger children, offering support and guidance when it’s most needed. Their contributions are making our school an even better place for everyone.
Over Christmas, we were fortunate to receive some incredible support from Gateley RJA. The same generous team who built our forest fort a few months ago volunteered their time to paint and freshen up the KS1 cloakroom and toilets. The transformation is remarkable; the space feels so much brighter, and we are super grateful for their kindness and hard work.
Looking ahead, we are all excited for Fox Cubs’ Class Assembly, which will take place on Friday 24th January at 3:00 pm. It is always special to see the children showcase their learning and creativity, and we hope you can join us for this event.
In February, we have an especially exciting highlight for our Year 5 and 6 pupils as they prepare to participate in the Love Laughing finals. As reigning champions of Leicestershire’s Funniest School, the stakes are high, and we are confident that Badger Class will rise to the challenge with their humour!
We’re also eagerly awaiting updates from our friends at Foxton Primary School, New Zealand, who are reopening later this month. By now, our parcel should have reached them and will hopefully be waiting for their return. We’re thrilled to see where this partnership leads, as it fosters not only meaningful cultural exchange but also fantastic links to our Global Goals and British Values.
And just like that, half-term will soon be upon us. A quick reminder that the last day of school before the break is Friday 14th February. Until then, we have a busy and enriching few weeks planned. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
To read more, please click here.