November Newsletter

Dear Parents & Carers,
I think this has to be my favourite time of year! The run up to Christmas is well underway, and there's so much to look forward to over the next few weeks. Please check out our 'Key Dates' section below so you're up to speed with what's happening when!
Thank you to everybody who donated towards our Children In Need appeal this month. On top of the money raised through non-uniform, the children in Year 3-6 raised over £300 for completing 1,000 "Bearpees" (burpees) in their PE lessons. Huge thanks to Mr Cruickshank for making it happen and inspiring everyone to get involved.
For those of you who follow our Facebook page @FoxtonPrimary, you might have seen that the HCYC lunchtime bus came last week. Led by Avril and her team of lovely volunteers, the lunchtime bus provides a range of physical, social and arty activities for our children to enjoy.
Last week, we were also treated to a wonderful Rabbit Class assembly. The children showed off their 'big moves' on a gym mat as well as their recent textile projects and learning from history, 'Toys: Old & New'.
Finally, just a reminder if you have a child due to start school next September, the deadline for applications via Leicestershire County Council is January 15th 2024. If you would like to arrange a school tour, I would be delighted to show you around. Please contact Mrs Freer in the School Office.