September Newsletter

Dear Parents & Carers,
Thank you so much for your warm welcome this term. Through our encounters on the gate both morning and afternoon, you have made me feel very welcome as the new headteacher and for that I am extremely grateful. Foxton is a school full of promise and I am working hard with staff, governors, parents and of course the children to ensure we make it the very best it can be. This includes building on the school's many strengths - what makes us special and different to the schools down the road - whilst also developing the areas of improvement I have so far identified.
I would also like to welcome Mrs Hancock, our new SENCO and Class 2 teacher, who has made an immediate positive impact on the school. Her knowledge and experience of special education needs will be a real asset for Foxton going forwards. I would also like to welcome and congratulate Mrs Carr who has been elected as a parent governor. I look forward to working closely with you.