February Newsletter

Dear Parents & Carers,
Welcome back after a well-deserved February half-term break! We hope you and your children had a restful and enjoyable time. As we dive into the second half of the spring term, let's take a moment to reflect on some exciting events and accomplishments from the past few weeks.
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who participated in Number Day before the holidays. The sight of everybody emblazoned in numbers sparked some fantastic maths activities across the school. Special mention goes to the children in Otters and Badgers, who embraced a national Times Tables challenge, showcasing their mathematical fluency against thousands of other schools.
Another highlight of last term was The Shoopery Silent Disco, which brought joy and laughter to Foxton in support of Children's Mental Health Week. We were thrilled to see such a strong turnout from our community, including children, parents, carers, grandparents, and staff - all grooving together on the back playground.
To read more, please click here.