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Vision, values and character skills


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The Foxton motto – ‘rise to the challenge’ - is palpable in our mission to empower every child to leave school with the knowledge, skills and compassion to make a positive difference to society. Traditional values of courage, respect and responsibility are our golden threads as we deliver an education fit for the challenges of the 21st century.

As well as providing an excellent academic education, Foxton identifies your child’s distinctive strengths and encourages them to live their ambitions and grow into the best possible version of themselves. We are a school that celebrates individuality and encourages children to care about themselves, each other and the environment.

Our Foxton Curriculum, focus on the individual and ability to instil self-belief and confidence, are just a few of the many reasons to consider Foxton Primary School.

Values and Character Traits

At Foxton, our mission is to foster a nurturing and inclusive learning environment that empowers students to become courageous, respectful, and responsible individuals. We believe that these core values are essential in shaping well-rounded young learners who can positively impact their communities and the world.


We encourage our students to be fearless in the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. We inspire them to take risks, embrace challenges, and step outside their comfort zones. By instilling courage, we aim to nurture confident learners who are not afraid to ask questions, express their ideas, and stand up for what is right.


Respect lies at the heart of our school community. We teach our students to value diversity, appreciate differences, and treat others with kindness and empathy. Through fostering a culture of respect, we aim to create an inclusive environment where every individual's voice is heard and celebrated.


At Foxton, we believe in nurturing responsible citizens who understand the impact of their actions on themselves, others, and the environment. We encourage our students to take ownership of their learning, be accountable for their choices, and contribute positively to their school and wider community.

By incorporating courage, respect, and responsibility into every aspect of our curriculum and school life, we aim to equip our students with the necessary skills and values to become compassionate, confident, and socially conscious individuals, prepared to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their educational journey and beyond. Together, we strive to build a brighter future for all.

Introduce your school’s values and character traits with brief explanations, serving as guiding principles for behaviour and decision-making. Typical examples are shown.

  • Badge for Courage


  • Badge for Respect


  • Badge for Responsibility


Rewards and Recognition

At Foxton we celebrate and praise good effort, work, and achievement. Staff model and explain why certain behaviours are positive, and help children see that their actions have an impact on the people and environment around them.
Recognition of rising to the challenge, our values and three school rules (be kind, be ready, be safe) can take many forms from verbal praise to stickers, certificates to awards. Rewards are attainable for all children equally and a reward will never be taken away from a child. At Foxton, all children are a member of a school ‘house’: Hawks, Buzzards, Kestrels or Kites. Children earn house points for following the school rules and values. They are awarded for their house throughout the day in increments of 1. In addition, individual merits and special badges are recorded against the children’s names using Satchel One by the teacher and or other adults.
Weekly celebration assemblies are held which recognise the achievements of children who follow the school rules and values.

  • Badge for Merits


    I have demonstrated stand-out academic achievement/character skills/active participation in extracurricular activities within the school.

  • Badge for Star of the Week

    Star of the Week

    I have demonstrated exemplary behaviour/positive attitude/outstanding effort in academic/non-academic activities throughout the week.

  • Badge for Satchel One Badges

    Satchel One Badges

MarvellousMe (or other rewards app)

Present how your school uses MarvellousMe (or any other digital platform) to reward and celebrate children’s successes. Give details on how simple it is for parents to download the app and join the celebrations.

MarvellousMe is a digital platform that allows staff to award house points, meaningful badges, and positive behaviour points and engage parents seamlessly in their child’s success. For more information, see here.

Parental Involvement

Positive teacher-parent partnerships are really important and can help boost children’s happiness and well-being at school, motivation, and outcomes. Examples of how parents can help are: 

Talk About School

Have meaningful conversations with your child about their school day. Discuss what activities they enjoyed, what they learned and what they found challenging.

Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and praise your child’s successes to boost their confidence.

Provide a Supportive Environment

Create a conducive space for studying and showing interest in your child’s academic pursuits.

Encourage Self-Reflection

Help your child set goals, reflect on progress, and celebrate growth.

Model Lifelong Learning

Demonstrate to your child a love for learning and resilience in facing challenges.

Promote Responsibility

Teach your child study skills, time management, and independence in learning.

Engage in Learning Activities

Explore educational outings and hands-on experiences with your child together.

Communicate with Teachers

Stay involved with your child’s education and collaborate with teachers to support your child’s progress

  • Badge for Courage


  • Badge for Responsibility


  • Badge for Respect


Common Questions

Provide a list of frequently asked questions and answers for clarity.

Examples are:

How are school values integrated into daily activities and curriculum?

School values are embedded into the curriculum, classroom routines, and behaviour expectations to cultivate a positive learning environment. Staff model and reinforce these values through lessons, discussions, and activities.

How are students recognised for demonstrating school values?

Pupils are recognised through various rewards programs, including MarvellousMe badges, certificates, praise, and special privileges, for consistently embodying school values in their behaviour and actions.

What role do parents play in reinforcing school values at home?

Parents play a crucial role in reinforcing school values by discussing and modelling them at home, praising their child’s efforts, and supporting their involvement in school activities that promote these values.

How does the school ensure fairness and consistency in rewarding students?

The school has clear criteria and guidelines for rewards and recognition, ensuring that pupils are acknowledged fairly and consistently based on their demonstration of school values and positive behaviour.

Contact and Help

Provide detailed contact details so parents can reach the school or their child’s teacher for assistance.